Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dream Deferred

A Deferred dream to me is a dream you have but you can't accomplish. It's like when little kids wnna be cowboys and they will never be(deferred dream). It's when you want to be something in life but you can't or don't become it. Say you wanna be an Nfl player and you don't become one that's a deffered dream. If you have a dream most times out of not it's gonna become a deferred dream just because what you dream is herd to become or do.

 Everyone has or had deferred dreams. For insence I have some deffered dreams. I wanted a 3.0 gpa and I never had gotten it but that deffered dream can still come true but sadly I have some deferred dreams that will never be true. Like, I wanted to come back this football season and play again but the doctor won't allow me so I have to wait until next season to come back, but I'm not trippen because I just gotta work harder this off season with my boy Nick. Like I said everyone has or had a deferred dream no matter what they say, That's just how it goes. Deferred Dreams affect people more then others, some won't really care and others will be really sad and angry. There not fun to have or go through but you just gotta forget about it and more on to the next one. Deferred Dreams can make a person that's happy be depressed because they don't know what to do when it happens and it stresses them out. My advice to people that take deferred dreams hard just move on to your next dream.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

school (rp)

Daniel Dalipe wrote about school and how fun it can be. Class can be fun only if there are people to talk to and have fun. Being in school is hella boring and will never be fun. A school is what gets you through life and has to do it to make it in this world. It uses to be college was optional and you could still make it even if u didn’t make millions of dollars. There is drama with friends, grades, and sports. Having colleges that give out full scholarships for a sport it great. It helps young adults with the payment of college and keeps them motivated to do the best they can. School goes from fun to hard in seconds and when sports are involved it can help in many ways. Sports get anger out, help with grades, and friends. Football is the best sport in the way it’s the most aggressive one in schools. It’s the most respected sport and everyone should see it or play.

Sports can help a lot but not with everything. Teachers can be stupid and can cause issues because they feel like it. Just because people talk doesn’t mean the teacher has to yell put you on blast. Hell no that shit doesn’t fly teachers should understand that school needs some fun if kids are going to past and move on with life and go to college. Fun is a part of life and laughing/talking will always happen in class. The thing teachers haven’t learned is that kids can always make fun out of nothing so there is no way around it. School isn’t fun without laughter, talking and friends to share it with.

father and son killed(rp)

"The fact that a child was killed in such a violent way has doubly motivated all of us to be involved in this,” Mei Zhang did a current event post on how a father and 7th month old son was murdered by a gang. The fact that someone would blatantly kill a baby is wrong and disturbing. People can argue that the kid would not have a good life if he stayed alive but it would be a huge struggle for him to grow up knowing his dad got murdered. No one knows the back round story behind the crazy killing but whatever it was they murderers must have a damn good reason. Kids go through a lot of struggles even ones that could change a personality but kids can coupe. Those killers must have had horrible experiences to have so much hatred towards a 7th month old baby.

I hope police don’t give up in finding the members of the gang and making sure they get life sentence. It’s horrible to think that this poor baby was murdered because there are so many kids that are around and in gang violence. More and more children are forced into gangs not knowing the consequences. Almost every month there is a gang shooting that results in death or the loss of a limb. Gangs might sound its difficult to know the facts and knowing one day your kids. This shooting was intentional not just a drive-by to scare someone. This story should be an awakening for people around gangs.

wrongful-death settlement (ce)

In March 23, 2000 a young man named Jerry Amaro was brutally beaten in a drug arrest. For no reason approximately five policemen beat an 18 year old when they suspected him for drugs. Amaro was in jail for five days and was put into extensive care because of five fractured ribs and a collapsed lung. Jerry needed more care for his deathly wounds but instead he went home with his friend then died three days later on April 23, 2000. The mother of the young man, Geraldine Montoya filed for wrongful-death settlement in March 2009 costing 1.7 million dollars for the city of Oakland. She filed the lawsuit shortly after detailed information of the investigation was leaked to the press.

At first there was no mention of the life threatening force used during the arrest because one of the policemen forged the signature on the report. The commanding officer also met up with some of the policemen before an interview to prep them. Officers didn’t even attempt to get medical help for Jerry Amaro even though he was complaining about stinging pain in his ribs. This attack was uncalled for even when Jerry wasn’t resisting the arrest. This could have been a racial discrimination act or very corrupted officers who got their anger out on an innocent man. Amaro didn’t talk much about the attack or jail but from the evidence provided the judge should have enough information to convict the five policemen that brutally beat a young man in a drug sting arrest.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Marijuana growing equals loss of a home(ce)

Is it really worth it to people to people that they will risk everything in life for marijuana? The smoking rate for the past years have sky rocketed for teens and young adults. In the United States it’s really easy for people to get/make drugs and not get detected. Unfortunately this past Tuesday around 8:27 pm a deathly fire broke out in a local house in the Oakland Hills. So many extension cords wrapped together for better growing space for the marijuana started the fire. The two-dozen plants were damaged and not replaced.

There was said two kids and their great aunt were in the house when the fire started, but others said they were in their neighbor’s home not knowing of the fire. No one was injured and didn’t spread to any other place. Firefighter got the fire under control around 9:45pm by the time it was out nothing could be recovered. The only thing Drayton found after the fire was a document saying the residents living in the house at 6500 block of Girvin Drive is able to grow marijuana without any restrictions. Today the parents of the children came back from a trip seeing that their house and business was gone. This family didn’t need this disaster and will be very hard to start over. Having two kids especially at the age they are is horrible to have them around drugs. At the age of 1 and 3 they are just starting to learn values and having drugs around will make them think it is ok to do in future.

Monday, October 17, 2011

(FP) Doctors

Today at 4:30pm I have an Doctor's appointment to see if there clear me to play either the last 3 or 2 games of the season. I have to get a note from the doctor that says they clear me to play in order to pad up coach said. So I made a appointment so I can play this week(MAYBE).

If the doctor does clears me I have a feeling there gonna make me rest this week still and then clear me next week. If the doctor clears me I'm going to be hecca juiced because I miss padding up with my brother's and smacking fools and talking hecca shit to the opposing team. I miss taking my anger out on people and joking with my teammates durning practice. I miss hitting someone then laughing with coach right after or mossing (catch the ball over him) someone and laugh and joke with him. I know people don't like practice I get lazy sometimes and don't wanna go but I miss it I go everyday and watching them scrimmage varsity and hitting drills makes me wanna pad up hecca bad. So if the doctor clears me today and lets me play this week I'm gonna go into practice tomorrow and be hecca energized and gonna hit like I never had before. I can't wait until 4:30 I wanna know now, I need to know now. If the doctor doesn't clear me I'm gonna be so mad, but I think they're gonna clear me because it's already been like 5 weeks and I feel find like i'll feel so pain once in awhile but that's nothing. If it was my choice I wouldn't of missed 1 game.

(FP) Jason Campbell

The Raiders Quarterback Jason Campbell was hurt durning yesterdays game against the weak Cleveland Browns. Jason Campbell was playing great connected passes to his receivers and mainly not turning the ball over. It was early to middle of the second quarter and he was pressured out of the pocket so he took off scrambling looking at nothing but the first down mark, as he just made the first down he was hit by an outside linebacker and cornerback and landed wrong on his carllorbone. He was taken out of the game and assisted to the locker room by trainers.

I was at the game with Anthony Pearson and Stevo Montoya, while we saw Jason walking off the field and seeing the backup Kyle Boller come in, we were saying Campbell better come back in because Boller's hecca weak. While Boller was missing easy passes we kept on talking smack, how Campbell can't take hits and how Boller looks like stevo. Then we found out he broke his carllorbone and we new he's prob gonna be out for the season and we don't Bollor's doing weak so it"s looking bad. Then the fans started yelling we want Pryor (the new rookie QB we drafted). The didn't put him of course lol but it was funny listen to the drunk behind us. While we were watching the game you can tell Boller doesn't get the offence hyped up like Jason does. Since Jason Campbell's out for the season the raiders are most likely going to sign another QB from free agency. They said the Raiders are interested in Carson Palmer and Josh Mccown. I hope we get Palmer or start Pryor because Bolloer isn't starting QB material.