Monday, October 3, 2011

(FP) Out For The Season

If you don't know I'm out for the whole football season because I have mono. I'm not going to say who gave it to me but you should already know(TAYLOR).

When I was in the ER laying on hospital bed with IV's sticking in my arm waiting forever for the blood work to come in. Then the doctor walks in and seats down and said I knew it. I looked at and said so I got strep throat. He said no, you have mono. I had no idea what was mono so I was confused then he explain it to me, and I didn't really care just wanted to know how long I'm out for. Then he said 6-8 weeks. I said," what that's the whole season, no I'm not missing any games then he said," if you even do anything physical your have to have surgery and take your spline out but if you play football there's a huge chance your spline will enlarge and your bleed to death, then he said,' I don't want you to be the first person I lost from this". I was so mad everything he was saying was going in one ear and out the other. Then I called my coach and when I said the season he said,"WHAT, no I want you to get checked up by a real doctor you can't be out for the season. So me and my coach were texting and I cooled down a little because I thought the doctor I'm about to see in Oakland was going to say I'm fine. A day pasted I'm on my way to the doctors. Once the doctor takes me in she weighs my then she seats me on 0ne of the doctor seat things. Then she looks down my throat and looked at the blood test and said ya you have mono. I said," so how long I'm I out for". She said," 6-8 weeks". I got hecca mad we left the doctors and I called coach he didn't know what to say. I told I don't care what the doctor says I know my body I'll be back in couple weeks. He said," I don't know about that I care about your health, you still have two more years of football don't end your career." I said," fine, ill call you later."

So it's the day of the Island Bowl and I'm not playing. I showed up late in the 4th quarter because I had another doctors appointment to clear me to go to school, and we I get to the game it's 8-8 I was heated Encinal's weak ass JV team is basically a freshman team it has like 10 sophmores and the rest freshman and were not beating the f*ck out of them are you kidding me. So the game ends as a tie and I'm talking to my teammates and some wore like it's your fault we tied you didn't play and I said," don't give me that bull you tied a freshman team." So the next week we face Berkeley at Berkeley. I go to practice all week and watch. So it's game day and we got out early me and Bjon are on the couch in the coaches office talking to coach Perry(My head coach) and I said I'm coming back for homecoming. He said," I want you to but I can't play you without a doctors release which ill never get until week 6-8. So the game started me and Bjon watching it because he has a tear so we both non-suits. While were watching people don't know were to line up were not hitting like we usually do and Berkeley takes advantage of that and we lose the game 41-0. I can't watch on the sidelines I need to play, but thanks to Taylor I won't be to november. I think about it every day.

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