Thursday, October 20, 2011

father and son killed(rp)

"The fact that a child was killed in such a violent way has doubly motivated all of us to be involved in this,” Mei Zhang did a current event post on how a father and 7th month old son was murdered by a gang. The fact that someone would blatantly kill a baby is wrong and disturbing. People can argue that the kid would not have a good life if he stayed alive but it would be a huge struggle for him to grow up knowing his dad got murdered. No one knows the back round story behind the crazy killing but whatever it was they murderers must have a damn good reason. Kids go through a lot of struggles even ones that could change a personality but kids can coupe. Those killers must have had horrible experiences to have so much hatred towards a 7th month old baby.

I hope police don’t give up in finding the members of the gang and making sure they get life sentence. It’s horrible to think that this poor baby was murdered because there are so many kids that are around and in gang violence. More and more children are forced into gangs not knowing the consequences. Almost every month there is a gang shooting that results in death or the loss of a limb. Gangs might sound its difficult to know the facts and knowing one day your kids. This shooting was intentional not just a drive-by to scare someone. This story should be an awakening for people around gangs.

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