Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Marijuana growing equals loss of a home(ce)

Is it really worth it to people to people that they will risk everything in life for marijuana? The smoking rate for the past years have sky rocketed for teens and young adults. In the United States it’s really easy for people to get/make drugs and not get detected. Unfortunately this past Tuesday around 8:27 pm a deathly fire broke out in a local house in the Oakland Hills. So many extension cords wrapped together for better growing space for the marijuana started the fire. The two-dozen plants were damaged and not replaced.

There was said two kids and their great aunt were in the house when the fire started, but others said they were in their neighbor’s home not knowing of the fire. No one was injured and didn’t spread to any other place. Firefighter got the fire under control around 9:45pm by the time it was out nothing could be recovered. The only thing Drayton found after the fire was a document saying the residents living in the house at 6500 block of Girvin Drive is able to grow marijuana without any restrictions. Today the parents of the children came back from a trip seeing that their house and business was gone. This family didn’t need this disaster and will be very hard to start over. Having two kids especially at the age they are is horrible to have them around drugs. At the age of 1 and 3 they are just starting to learn values and having drugs around will make them think it is ok to do in future.

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