Tuesday, October 11, 2011

sophmore (biweekly) column

I agree and disagree in many ways with steve job's quote. If I followed his advice tomorrow ill be living the same life and ill tell you why. I have a few words of advice to people that need to know how to make the big choices in life.

It's true because if you started to live each day like it's your last your have a good fun life. Each day would be hecca fun because they would do fun and exciting days everyday because they act l;ike it's there last. Like for instince some people have list of things they wanna do before they die so they'll most likely do those things on the list. Your become a exciting person that people will recognize and wanna kik it with you. Your most likely kik it with your family and close friends.

I disagree because some people are going to do things that there gonna regret after they do it. Some will get in hecca trouble or mess with the wrong people and gonna hecca regret it after the consequences start to come in place. I think it's kinda stupid because you should already live each day fun and exciting and shoudn't have to look in a mirror to make you live a fun and exciting life. You should wake up wanting to have a great day even if things aren't going right that day.

If I followed steve job's advice tomorrow my life would be the same. I wake up knowing im gonna have a great day and don't need to look in the mirror to make myself have a great day. My life is already great and by following steve job's advice it wouldn't change anything in anyway. Living each day like it's your last is a good thing to do because in football you play each play like it's your last play because one wrong step or hit your done for season or career. If you live each day like it's your last the day you finally die you at least lived a great life and a fun day the day before and people will have more good memories of you. They'll know you had a great life and it's your time to go and you didn't waste the time you had to live.

The few words of advice I have for people that don't know how to make big decisions are choice what ever that will help you now and in the long run. Don't choice something that's gonna get you in hecca trouble or that would help you now but screw you over in the long run. Choice what evers the best thing for you and your family.

That's what I think about steve job's quote and advice. That's all the advice I have for the people in that has to make that decision.

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