Thursday, September 29, 2011

(1,000 word essay) Humannity

The definitive characteristic of humanity is greed. We as our people are greed. We will do anything for money and power. I’ll explain more about how people are greedy in the essay and after the essay I bet you’ll agree with me.

Our people are really greedy. Like I said before they’ll do anything for money and power. Sadly but true our people would throw each other under the bus for some money or a little more power and they’ll feel good about it and wouldn’t feel bad or regret a thing. Our humanity is changing and changing very fast. We used to be a caring humanity where it didn’t matter if you had a lot of money or power, now money and power controls everything. If you don’t have a lot of money or power you’re a no body in this society. Humans all around the world want money and power. They love being in control, being able to tell people what to and knowing they’ll do it or knowing they have to do it. Having power to do anything you want is one of the greatest or the greatest feeling you can have and to have power you have to have money.
Money is another drug in the world that you can’t get away from or stop using. Money is great you can buy what ever you want and live a great life with a huge house and nice cars. But money comes with a bad thing CHANGE. Money changes people more then I think anything else. It makes people think there to good for the average or lower class, and makes people greedy. Over all it changes people’s personalities, it makes them happy but kills the people around them that have to deal with there new personality or attitude. A person that just loves life for life and just an out going person would even comment treachery for couple more bucks in there wallet. People work for money; they’ll have a job that they absolutely hate to make a few more dollars then a job that they absolutely love, why would you do something you hate for a couple more dollars then something you really like or love. That just the little things people would do for money, here come the big things. People will sell there body’s for money just to have a couple more bucks. Human beings will rob a corner store or rob another human being to get a couple hundred dollars and the worst thing is they’ll do it more then once. They’ll do it over and over until if they get caught or even if they get caught it doesn’t matter there cold blooded when it comes to making money, and will eliminate anyone that gets in there way, if that means hurting, kidnapping, or killing them. Most of are people will do anything for money and the people that won’t more power to them.

Power, power is what everyone wants. The more power you have the more successful you are, the bad thing is power changes people. People will stab there best friend in the back if they would get more power. Take gangs for an example most people join gangs to have more power, to make people be intimidated of them (power). People act like someone there not to have power, there act hecca hard when the truth is deep down there pus*ys they wont hurt a fly, there act like it but they wont, and it works all the skinny little kids do what they say and that’s how some people get there power. Other people will be nice went to college and been working at this job for years and made a good friend and then when a jobs open like being president of the business they’ll back stab one of there good friends that they been working with for many years because they want more power. When you have power your on top of the food chain. Power will change a person faster then you can even say power. People that you think are good friends and have your back will change and start doing stupid things, getting there self in a whole bunch of trouble not like call home from school trouble getting arrested trouble or messing with the wrong person or group. If how to get power was a subject at school everyone would sign up to take that class. Power is bad for the economy because a bad person could lets say become mayor and they have hecca power, they will use all that power in a very bad way. They’ll boss people around be rude and cruel to people that works for a little amount of money an hour. Take superstars for instant sweat little stars that are adorable and just the nicest thing, will grow up and become a drug addict or alcoholic because they have the power and money for it or they’ll do something hecca bad and will go to court and not get as much days/years in jail as a regular person or might not get any jail time because they have the power to get out of almost anything they want, getting caught with a gun or drugs a lot of things. Like the rapper T.I. he got caught with a car load of illegal war guns and only got sentence to a year and one day in jail, but if it was a middle class person they would of gotten at least five years easily. Celebrity’s get away with almost anything, they live in a fantasy land and it’s not fair to everyone else. If power didn’t matter as much as it does the world would be even better.
Humans now days are greedy for money and power. Money and power is the most powerfulness drug there is. It’ll change a person and it’s the hardest drug to get off. Most people are addicted to money and power for there whole life and it ruins them and there relationship with the people surrounding them.

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