Sunday, September 18, 2011

(Column 500 words) Darkend Room

I'm in a dark room ( my bedroom). I'm sitting on my bed trying to get up and find my phone so i can call nick and tell him to come over, but the bed's so soft and is forcing me fall asleep. I finally defeated my bed and got the strenght to get up. As I'm walking it's dark, i can't see anything, and to makes things worst it's boiling hot, I'm sweating all over my face, so i take my shirt off. Aw, that helps to feel the air running threw my bare chest.

It's on I'm walking barefoot with my toes rubbing all on the room carpet while I'm struggling to even stand because there's weights and shoes all over the place. I'm tripping over cold hard steel weights jamming ever toe you can possibly jam. So I'm fighting possible broken toes but still falling and still walking. I feel like I keep going in circles because I'm tripping over the same weird angle cold hard steel weight that's dropping me harder then I drop it when I'm lifting it and get tired. I think i just found a lead to a new passage way, I feel something new on the the soft squishy carpet. I put my toes on it feeling around to figure out what it is. AH HAH I figured it out with the rectangular shape and sharp edge feeling I could tell that thing from a mile away it's my English notebook. That's a great lead because last time I had my phone I was texting while I was doing my homework earlier. So that has to mean my phone's around here somewhere. I get down on the carpet and start feeling around with my hand. Then I hit my hand on the end of the bed so I slide my hand down the bed and put my right hand under it. While I'm feeling around under the bed I feel nothing then " bam" I feel the most disgusting thing ever it's wet, warm, sticky. I take my hand from under them bed in 2.2 seconds and jump up off the carpet and fast I can and terrified what i just touched. So to figure out what I just touch I smell my right hand as I put my nose over my hand I get a strong smell of vanilla and I'm relieved that it's just my ice cream from the night before. I take my hand and wipe it off on my six pack. I get back to business trying to find my phone, so I've been walking around for like 20 minutes in this dark room which makes everything so difficult. For some reason I turn and take two steps and then ran into be closet door. The doors freezing and when I felt the door with my bare chest it sent a shock that traveled threw my whole body for a minute long. I move off the freezing door and rejoin my journey. As I'm walking forward I start to lose hope and feel like I should just give up, but while I'm walking with my head down pouting, out of no were my right foot kicks it " MY PHONE" and I hear sliding on top of the carpet and slam into the wall. So i walk towards were I heard the phone slam against the wall. I get down on the carpet and start feeling around, I rubbing my hand on the soft carpet in circles, side to side, and back and forth stressing to find my cell phone. Then I felt a piece of it, then "bang" I grabbed it and have it in the palms of my hands, but the back's missing damn it must of fell off when I kicked it against the wall. So I put my hand back on the soft carpet and start moving it in circles, side to side, and back and forth again trying to find the back. While I'm feeling around I touched the tip of it but can't grave it, it's to deep under the bed. So i get on my bare stomach and try to reach, but there's one problem,
I'm getting tickled every time I move the soft carpet is tickles my bare stomach. I just have to man it, I try my hardest and reach as far as I can then bang I got it yes. I put the back on the phone and nick and told him to come over and when he gets here I'm going to tell him the adventure I went on.

1 comment:

  1. You won't get credit for this if you don't put it in paragraph Don't let this go to waste!
