Thursday, September 22, 2011

(RP) Relationship With Andrew (Taylor)

Taylor wrote about are relationship, so I'll tell you about are relationship. We started dating February 10th 2011, it started when I walked Taylor to her soccer practice at the Football field. We were flirting the whole way there and then when we finally got the corner of the field Taylor turned to me and said," are you going to ask me". I said," It's your turn because I asked you the first time we went out". I was just kidding the Taylor asks me out and I couldn't believe it I was laughing so I said what. She asked me three times then i finally said, " yes". We kissed then she went to practice and I went to Nick's house, and that's how it started.

After that it was way different from the first time we dated we both agreed to forget about the first time we dated so I won't mention nothing about that, but let's just say it wasn't good. So after that day we started going to lunch a lot and I got my friends to finally like her. So once my friends started liking her things just went great she hung out with me and the group. She met my parents and I met hers. (I was kinda nervous when I had to meet her parents but there good people). So things were just going great then we started to get into arguments were I get hecca mad at her but we always forgive each other after a couple hours, I don't think we argued for more then a couple hours. But every couple gets into arguments. We're a great couple, everyone tells us that and the only reason why everyone says were a cute couple is because of me. yes I take full credit for that statement, I mean look at me Yoked and hansom. So are relationship can't be any better then it already is. We get along so much and we can be are selves in front of each other and we don't judge each other, and we don't lie to each other if we have something so say we confront each other and say what we have to say. Taylor likes to have monthly anniversary's which I like because she makes me cake ( she hecca good at baking stuff). I love her cakes there hecca good but one time on my birthday she gave me a cake with no frosting so I didn't count it as a cake because it had no frosting. She's the best girlfriend you can have she's perfect. Are relationship is doing great and it's going to stay that way. She told me I'm the love of her life and she wants to be with me forever, so I don't know if it stays the same I can see myself with her because I have a lot of feelings for her. That's how are relationship started and how are relationship is going.

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