Monday, September 19, 2011

(CE) The Marines

The Marines are a good hard corporation that are the baddest of the bad. I mean the go in first to the war and take care of busy, handled there duty I should say. They train like there's no tomorrow to protect this country and serve are states. To show they train hard they just take any one, you can't just sign up and your in nooo. You have to go threw a huge 12 week training and conditioning program. And it's very DIFFICULT you got to wake up early in the morning such as 5:30 and run anywhere from 1-2 miles everyday, and that's just to start the day off. You have to have major eligibility to do all the things they do in one day. There forced to drink liters of water just to stay hydrated for the day. Then they go threw a big obstacle course were they have to climb walls, crawl in the mud under barbwire, and a whole bunch of over outrageous things to do in a time limit also. Now that's hard stuff they probably don't give them that much time, and some people think the mile test at p.e. is hard. The Marines are not to joke around about there on the top of the Military. They train there butt's off to save us the people and protect the country from anyone.

The Marines are the first to fight because there the first ready to fight. There mobilize for any ship-to-shore operation within 6 hours. The faster then the army, navy. and air force. They go in and begin this war and while there battling the army comes then maybe the air force until finally bang we got the whole squad with us ready to fight anyone that gets into are ways. That's some hardcore stuff right there, can you imagine being the first person in the war against people who are shooting at you trying to blow your brains out. The Marines are no joke for anyone that's trying to join I would rethink that before you just sign up for it because you might regret what you signed yourself up for. My cousin who's a girl is signing up for the Marines and I have mixed emotions about it. That's why I wrote about the Marines I wanted to get more research about them to see how hardcore they are and to see what my cousin sees joining them and I still don't see why she wants to join them but I see how hardcore they are. I mean it's a hard stage to even get the opportunity to become a Marine and if you do become one it's even harder to be a Marine. It takes lots of dedication and lots and lots of sweat and tears to be called a U.S. Marine.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought being in the marines or the navy or something would be really cool. But you're right; it's crazy hardcore and there's no way i could handle that.
