Friday, September 16, 2011


I'm a die-hard Raiders fan and Ill always support them. I became a Raider supporter because I grew up in Oakland and was brought up in a Raider-fan environment. My parents are huge Raider fans as well. I went to my first game when I was two weeks old and go to at least 1 or 2 games each year. I went to one a month ago. Going to a Raider game is the best thing. Everytime I go to a game I talk hella shit to the opposing fans, even when I went to a game in San Fransico. All Raider fans get along because when they get drunk they talk smack and start chucking it with the other teams. Watching the game live is better because you get to tailgate and watch thee hard impacts make the game so much fun. Tailgating is when you hang out in the parking lot, have a big BBQ, and just chill and throw the football. Its such a blast. The Raiders used to be real good but the last few years they have gone down and suck really bad. We looked good this season and were 1-0 and beat our rivals! The Broncos.

The Raiders have been around since 1963, so 58 years. And they have made the Superbowl 5 times and won 3. That's the story of the best teams yet and thats why I am a Raiders fan.

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