Monday, September 19, 2011

(FP) Being Sick

You know how everyone says being sick during the school year is great, but to be it's over rated. Being sick sucks so bad. I mean sure ya your home from school but your home bored laying in bed and to make matters worst you feel like shit. Your up all night coughing and tossing with a high temperature getting no sleep at all. When it comes to morning you finally get up then you have to scarf down the worst taste ever "medicine" which makes you wanna throw up to a pulp. Then it's right back to bed were your laying and laying just watching TV, and i always have bad luck, when I'm sick there's never anything good on TV. So all I do is watch rerun after rerun of sports center and I'll get lucky sometimes and get a good 30 minute show to help pass a half hour. The whole time I'm sick

I always wish could got to school, kik it with my friends hang out after, but no I'm stuck in this bed for 24 hours and the only time I get up is to use the restroom or to drink medicine. I have great parents that do everything for me when I'm sick so that helps a lot but the pain of the soar throat, stuffed up nose, earaches, and headaches doesn't make things better at all, with pain and me being bored mixed together it's the worst. Then the day were it's over but you still feel a little sick so you have to stay home for one more day to end the cold for good is the worst day of them all. So your basically fine and your stuck in your sick infested bed laying there hecca bored getting texts from your friends knowing there hanging out after school and you can't even though your cold is basically done is a bad feeling. Your just sitting there watching TV, while you know your friends are at the big football game with out you having fun and joking around. It hits you, it gets me mad because I get frustrated knowing I'm fine and what to go to the big game with my friends and my parents won't let me because I missed all week sucks. That's why I think staying home from school because your sick is overrated.

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