Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(free post) football game

Friday was the first football home game. we played Northgate at 4:30pm. On game days I prepare my head to play and get mad during school by listening to music and think about things that get me angry.

When it comes game time,its on boy!!! Our team gets hyped up in the lockerroom, then we walk, looking at thr oppoinents and get focused. Then when I walk on the field for the first play I look at my opponent in the eyes and think he is the person i hate the most. I make a big hit, talk shit to the player and his team then i get hyped up with my brothers. I have the worst sportsmenship ever.I get so pissed if we are loosing or lost. Thats why we all play our ass off so we can win. Were good beacuse were hard hittings, hard workers and have heca chemistry playing together. We all have each others back no matter what the situation is beacause we are not just a team we are family. I hope u came to the came and were inpressed by our hard work even if we lost.

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