Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Introduction Essay

Wassup, my name is Andrew Rusca and i attend Alameda High School.In this essay im gonna tell you all about me. Family is the most important thing to me. I have a loving, supporting father, Victor and the best mother ever, Lynda. I love my two amazing sisters, Jamie(22) and Stephanie(27). Im an uncle beacuse Jamie has a daughter, Gisella whos two and half adn Stephanie has two kids, Louie whos five and Christina whos ten.I love them all and would do anything for them. I protect them like they are my own kids. My mom and dad are separated so i go to my moms every other week. At my moms theres her boyfriend, Adam, my mom and I. They have been dating for eight years. Jamie lives in the same appartment building so she comes over basically everyday with Gisella and her husband, Hector. At my dads its just him and I "the men house" and Stephanie vistits alot with Louie. I have a perfect family and the way its going im gonna have a new member my girlfriend,Taylor Clark.we have been dating seven months and are always together.She plays soccer and trys to go to all my games. I love her.So ya thats my family.

Now my favorite thing to talk about is football. Football, wow ok so its my life . I love ad respect the game of football. Everything I do basically involves it. I always watch fooball on T.V. and on Sundays I watch it all day. Im a die hard RAIDER fan, so f*** the CHARGERS, CHIEFS, BRONCOS, PATROITS, and 49ERS. I go to at least one to two Raider games a season. When I go I talk hecca smack to opposing teams beacuse they suck straight up. I also play football, I have been playing football since I was four but this is only my second year on a team. I play Quarterback and Defensive End for Alameda High JV team. Im number 17 and you already know. I love football because its hecca fun, you get to hit the shit out of someone every play. i like adrenaline when your running with the ball and the opossing people are trying to kill the shit out of you, and scoring a touchdown is the best feeling. Its the greatest feeling ever when your on that field with your brothers. I say brothers because we are not a team we're family. We go to war together, we have each others back doesnt matter who it is on the team if one gets into a fight we all get into the fight.

In English this year in Sutherlands class I want to become a better writter. The use of a wide range of vovabulary helps help my paper but I would want to know more. The hardest thing about papers are organization. Its hard to not go from one topic to the other then back to first. I aslo need help on spelling better. Thats what I want to learn in English.
So ya thats all you really need to know about.Family, Football and my girlfriend, Taylor Clark best describes me, Andrew Rusca. My life cant get much better the this. My football games are every Friday at 4:30pm check me out #17.


  1. I like reading student athletes' blogs, because I get a window onto a kind of experience I have never really had...I hope you will write about your games and maybe use your passion for football to give you fuel to reach your writing goals. (But of course if you want to write about other stuff, that's cool too.)

    Let me show you a few examples of what I'm talking about...There was this student I had a couple years back who wrote on her blog analyzing the soccer games she played, play-by-play. It was amazing to read, and she ended up improving her game by keeping a record of her season to look back and reflect on. This might be an approach you would enjoy taking this year on your blog. Here are a few posts she wrote:

    There are tons more soccer-related posts there, if you are curious. Hope this helps.

    Also: being an uncle rocks.

  2. I will be writing more about football.
