Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dream Deferred

A Deferred dream to me is a dream you have but you can't accomplish. It's like when little kids wnna be cowboys and they will never be(deferred dream). It's when you want to be something in life but you can't or don't become it. Say you wanna be an Nfl player and you don't become one that's a deffered dream. If you have a dream most times out of not it's gonna become a deferred dream just because what you dream is herd to become or do.

 Everyone has or had deferred dreams. For insence I have some deffered dreams. I wanted a 3.0 gpa and I never had gotten it but that deffered dream can still come true but sadly I have some deferred dreams that will never be true. Like, I wanted to come back this football season and play again but the doctor won't allow me so I have to wait until next season to come back, but I'm not trippen because I just gotta work harder this off season with my boy Nick. Like I said everyone has or had a deferred dream no matter what they say, That's just how it goes. Deferred Dreams affect people more then others, some won't really care and others will be really sad and angry. There not fun to have or go through but you just gotta forget about it and more on to the next one. Deferred Dreams can make a person that's happy be depressed because they don't know what to do when it happens and it stresses them out. My advice to people that take deferred dreams hard just move on to your next dream.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

school (rp)

Daniel Dalipe wrote about school and how fun it can be. Class can be fun only if there are people to talk to and have fun. Being in school is hella boring and will never be fun. A school is what gets you through life and has to do it to make it in this world. It uses to be college was optional and you could still make it even if u didn’t make millions of dollars. There is drama with friends, grades, and sports. Having colleges that give out full scholarships for a sport it great. It helps young adults with the payment of college and keeps them motivated to do the best they can. School goes from fun to hard in seconds and when sports are involved it can help in many ways. Sports get anger out, help with grades, and friends. Football is the best sport in the way it’s the most aggressive one in schools. It’s the most respected sport and everyone should see it or play.

Sports can help a lot but not with everything. Teachers can be stupid and can cause issues because they feel like it. Just because people talk doesn’t mean the teacher has to yell put you on blast. Hell no that shit doesn’t fly teachers should understand that school needs some fun if kids are going to past and move on with life and go to college. Fun is a part of life and laughing/talking will always happen in class. The thing teachers haven’t learned is that kids can always make fun out of nothing so there is no way around it. School isn’t fun without laughter, talking and friends to share it with.

father and son killed(rp)

"The fact that a child was killed in such a violent way has doubly motivated all of us to be involved in this,” Mei Zhang did a current event post on how a father and 7th month old son was murdered by a gang. The fact that someone would blatantly kill a baby is wrong and disturbing. People can argue that the kid would not have a good life if he stayed alive but it would be a huge struggle for him to grow up knowing his dad got murdered. No one knows the back round story behind the crazy killing but whatever it was they murderers must have a damn good reason. Kids go through a lot of struggles even ones that could change a personality but kids can coupe. Those killers must have had horrible experiences to have so much hatred towards a 7th month old baby.

I hope police don’t give up in finding the members of the gang and making sure they get life sentence. It’s horrible to think that this poor baby was murdered because there are so many kids that are around and in gang violence. More and more children are forced into gangs not knowing the consequences. Almost every month there is a gang shooting that results in death or the loss of a limb. Gangs might sound its difficult to know the facts and knowing one day your kids. This shooting was intentional not just a drive-by to scare someone. This story should be an awakening for people around gangs.

wrongful-death settlement (ce)

In March 23, 2000 a young man named Jerry Amaro was brutally beaten in a drug arrest. For no reason approximately five policemen beat an 18 year old when they suspected him for drugs. Amaro was in jail for five days and was put into extensive care because of five fractured ribs and a collapsed lung. Jerry needed more care for his deathly wounds but instead he went home with his friend then died three days later on April 23, 2000. The mother of the young man, Geraldine Montoya filed for wrongful-death settlement in March 2009 costing 1.7 million dollars for the city of Oakland. She filed the lawsuit shortly after detailed information of the investigation was leaked to the press.

At first there was no mention of the life threatening force used during the arrest because one of the policemen forged the signature on the report. The commanding officer also met up with some of the policemen before an interview to prep them. Officers didn’t even attempt to get medical help for Jerry Amaro even though he was complaining about stinging pain in his ribs. This attack was uncalled for even when Jerry wasn’t resisting the arrest. This could have been a racial discrimination act or very corrupted officers who got their anger out on an innocent man. Amaro didn’t talk much about the attack or jail but from the evidence provided the judge should have enough information to convict the five policemen that brutally beat a young man in a drug sting arrest.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Marijuana growing equals loss of a home(ce)

Is it really worth it to people to people that they will risk everything in life for marijuana? The smoking rate for the past years have sky rocketed for teens and young adults. In the United States it’s really easy for people to get/make drugs and not get detected. Unfortunately this past Tuesday around 8:27 pm a deathly fire broke out in a local house in the Oakland Hills. So many extension cords wrapped together for better growing space for the marijuana started the fire. The two-dozen plants were damaged and not replaced.

There was said two kids and their great aunt were in the house when the fire started, but others said they were in their neighbor’s home not knowing of the fire. No one was injured and didn’t spread to any other place. Firefighter got the fire under control around 9:45pm by the time it was out nothing could be recovered. The only thing Drayton found after the fire was a document saying the residents living in the house at 6500 block of Girvin Drive is able to grow marijuana without any restrictions. Today the parents of the children came back from a trip seeing that their house and business was gone. This family didn’t need this disaster and will be very hard to start over. Having two kids especially at the age they are is horrible to have them around drugs. At the age of 1 and 3 they are just starting to learn values and having drugs around will make them think it is ok to do in future.

Monday, October 17, 2011

(FP) Doctors

Today at 4:30pm I have an Doctor's appointment to see if there clear me to play either the last 3 or 2 games of the season. I have to get a note from the doctor that says they clear me to play in order to pad up coach said. So I made a appointment so I can play this week(MAYBE).

If the doctor does clears me I have a feeling there gonna make me rest this week still and then clear me next week. If the doctor clears me I'm going to be hecca juiced because I miss padding up with my brother's and smacking fools and talking hecca shit to the opposing team. I miss taking my anger out on people and joking with my teammates durning practice. I miss hitting someone then laughing with coach right after or mossing (catch the ball over him) someone and laugh and joke with him. I know people don't like practice I get lazy sometimes and don't wanna go but I miss it I go everyday and watching them scrimmage varsity and hitting drills makes me wanna pad up hecca bad. So if the doctor clears me today and lets me play this week I'm gonna go into practice tomorrow and be hecca energized and gonna hit like I never had before. I can't wait until 4:30 I wanna know now, I need to know now. If the doctor doesn't clear me I'm gonna be so mad, but I think they're gonna clear me because it's already been like 5 weeks and I feel find like i'll feel so pain once in awhile but that's nothing. If it was my choice I wouldn't of missed 1 game.

(FP) Jason Campbell

The Raiders Quarterback Jason Campbell was hurt durning yesterdays game against the weak Cleveland Browns. Jason Campbell was playing great connected passes to his receivers and mainly not turning the ball over. It was early to middle of the second quarter and he was pressured out of the pocket so he took off scrambling looking at nothing but the first down mark, as he just made the first down he was hit by an outside linebacker and cornerback and landed wrong on his carllorbone. He was taken out of the game and assisted to the locker room by trainers.

I was at the game with Anthony Pearson and Stevo Montoya, while we saw Jason walking off the field and seeing the backup Kyle Boller come in, we were saying Campbell better come back in because Boller's hecca weak. While Boller was missing easy passes we kept on talking smack, how Campbell can't take hits and how Boller looks like stevo. Then we found out he broke his carllorbone and we new he's prob gonna be out for the season and we don't Bollor's doing weak so it"s looking bad. Then the fans started yelling we want Pryor (the new rookie QB we drafted). The didn't put him of course lol but it was funny listen to the drunk behind us. While we were watching the game you can tell Boller doesn't get the offence hyped up like Jason does. Since Jason Campbell's out for the season the raiders are most likely going to sign another QB from free agency. They said the Raiders are interested in Carson Palmer and Josh Mccown. I hope we get Palmer or start Pryor because Bolloer isn't starting QB material.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

sophmore (biweekly) column

I agree and disagree in many ways with steve job's quote. If I followed his advice tomorrow ill be living the same life and ill tell you why. I have a few words of advice to people that need to know how to make the big choices in life.

It's true because if you started to live each day like it's your last your have a good fun life. Each day would be hecca fun because they would do fun and exciting days everyday because they act l;ike it's there last. Like for instince some people have list of things they wanna do before they die so they'll most likely do those things on the list. Your become a exciting person that people will recognize and wanna kik it with you. Your most likely kik it with your family and close friends.

I disagree because some people are going to do things that there gonna regret after they do it. Some will get in hecca trouble or mess with the wrong people and gonna hecca regret it after the consequences start to come in place. I think it's kinda stupid because you should already live each day fun and exciting and shoudn't have to look in a mirror to make you live a fun and exciting life. You should wake up wanting to have a great day even if things aren't going right that day.

If I followed steve job's advice tomorrow my life would be the same. I wake up knowing im gonna have a great day and don't need to look in the mirror to make myself have a great day. My life is already great and by following steve job's advice it wouldn't change anything in anyway. Living each day like it's your last is a good thing to do because in football you play each play like it's your last play because one wrong step or hit your done for season or career. If you live each day like it's your last the day you finally die you at least lived a great life and a fun day the day before and people will have more good memories of you. They'll know you had a great life and it's your time to go and you didn't waste the time you had to live.

The few words of advice I have for people that don't know how to make big decisions are choice what ever that will help you now and in the long run. Don't choice something that's gonna get you in hecca trouble or that would help you now but screw you over in the long run. Choice what evers the best thing for you and your family.

That's what I think about steve job's quote and advice. That's all the advice I have for the people in that has to make that decision.

Friday, October 7, 2011

(rp)mac inventor dies

This is a responce to Andrew fans current even post the death of Steve Jobs. Yes, the creator of all Mac products has died. Two days ago, on October 5th Steve JObs, One of THE best inventors of all time died.

I think that Steve literally changed the word of Technology. Steve created the iPhone, iPod, MacBooks, MacBookPros, etc. The world is suffering a great loss because Steve was lossed. I think that his talent has been put to great use. No technology will be the same. His named will deffinatly be remembered greatly. I see him as the greatest creators in the world. Hopefully, Steve will go down in history forever. Even in 100 years, people will look at there newest versions of there Mac, Ipods, iPhones etc and think of the mastermind behind it all, the greatest, Steve Jobs.

(ce) boy killed

The violence of East Oakland took the life of an 13-year-old boy this past wednesday. The boys name was Jimon Clark. The shooting happend while jim was walking with his older brother on 61st and Bancroft at night.

Today, he would of started his first day of Bancroft High Shchool. The police say that the reason was unknown, all they know is that the shooter took two dollars from Jimon. The security cameras caught some-what of his face. Police are still investigating the story and will soon be explaning the inscident in more detail. I think that this kind of violence is disturbing and uncalled for. I feel that people should respect each other. Although East Oakland has "quite" and repuation, not everyone that lives there deserves to be killed there. I remember when I was going into freshman year, being excited, happy, nervous. It would never even crossed my mind that if I were to die, I would of missed all of the experiances I have been through.

Monday, October 3, 2011

(FP) Out For The Season

If you don't know I'm out for the whole football season because I have mono. I'm not going to say who gave it to me but you should already know(TAYLOR).

When I was in the ER laying on hospital bed with IV's sticking in my arm waiting forever for the blood work to come in. Then the doctor walks in and seats down and said I knew it. I looked at and said so I got strep throat. He said no, you have mono. I had no idea what was mono so I was confused then he explain it to me, and I didn't really care just wanted to know how long I'm out for. Then he said 6-8 weeks. I said," what that's the whole season, no I'm not missing any games then he said," if you even do anything physical your have to have surgery and take your spline out but if you play football there's a huge chance your spline will enlarge and your bleed to death, then he said,' I don't want you to be the first person I lost from this". I was so mad everything he was saying was going in one ear and out the other. Then I called my coach and when I said the season he said,"WHAT, no I want you to get checked up by a real doctor you can't be out for the season. So me and my coach were texting and I cooled down a little because I thought the doctor I'm about to see in Oakland was going to say I'm fine. A day pasted I'm on my way to the doctors. Once the doctor takes me in she weighs my then she seats me on 0ne of the doctor seat things. Then she looks down my throat and looked at the blood test and said ya you have mono. I said," so how long I'm I out for". She said," 6-8 weeks". I got hecca mad we left the doctors and I called coach he didn't know what to say. I told I don't care what the doctor says I know my body I'll be back in couple weeks. He said," I don't know about that I care about your health, you still have two more years of football don't end your career." I said," fine, ill call you later."

So it's the day of the Island Bowl and I'm not playing. I showed up late in the 4th quarter because I had another doctors appointment to clear me to go to school, and we I get to the game it's 8-8 I was heated Encinal's weak ass JV team is basically a freshman team it has like 10 sophmores and the rest freshman and were not beating the f*ck out of them are you kidding me. So the game ends as a tie and I'm talking to my teammates and some wore like it's your fault we tied you didn't play and I said," don't give me that bull you tied a freshman team." So the next week we face Berkeley at Berkeley. I go to practice all week and watch. So it's game day and we got out early me and Bjon are on the couch in the coaches office talking to coach Perry(My head coach) and I said I'm coming back for homecoming. He said," I want you to but I can't play you without a doctors release which ill never get until week 6-8. So the game started me and Bjon watching it because he has a tear so we both non-suits. While were watching people don't know were to line up were not hitting like we usually do and Berkeley takes advantage of that and we lose the game 41-0. I can't watch on the sidelines I need to play, but thanks to Taylor I won't be to november. I think about it every day.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

(1,000 word essay) Humannity

The definitive characteristic of humanity is greed. We as our people are greed. We will do anything for money and power. I’ll explain more about how people are greedy in the essay and after the essay I bet you’ll agree with me.

Our people are really greedy. Like I said before they’ll do anything for money and power. Sadly but true our people would throw each other under the bus for some money or a little more power and they’ll feel good about it and wouldn’t feel bad or regret a thing. Our humanity is changing and changing very fast. We used to be a caring humanity where it didn’t matter if you had a lot of money or power, now money and power controls everything. If you don’t have a lot of money or power you’re a no body in this society. Humans all around the world want money and power. They love being in control, being able to tell people what to and knowing they’ll do it or knowing they have to do it. Having power to do anything you want is one of the greatest or the greatest feeling you can have and to have power you have to have money.
Money is another drug in the world that you can’t get away from or stop using. Money is great you can buy what ever you want and live a great life with a huge house and nice cars. But money comes with a bad thing CHANGE. Money changes people more then I think anything else. It makes people think there to good for the average or lower class, and makes people greedy. Over all it changes people’s personalities, it makes them happy but kills the people around them that have to deal with there new personality or attitude. A person that just loves life for life and just an out going person would even comment treachery for couple more bucks in there wallet. People work for money; they’ll have a job that they absolutely hate to make a few more dollars then a job that they absolutely love, why would you do something you hate for a couple more dollars then something you really like or love. That just the little things people would do for money, here come the big things. People will sell there body’s for money just to have a couple more bucks. Human beings will rob a corner store or rob another human being to get a couple hundred dollars and the worst thing is they’ll do it more then once. They’ll do it over and over until if they get caught or even if they get caught it doesn’t matter there cold blooded when it comes to making money, and will eliminate anyone that gets in there way, if that means hurting, kidnapping, or killing them. Most of are people will do anything for money and the people that won’t more power to them.

Power, power is what everyone wants. The more power you have the more successful you are, the bad thing is power changes people. People will stab there best friend in the back if they would get more power. Take gangs for an example most people join gangs to have more power, to make people be intimidated of them (power). People act like someone there not to have power, there act hecca hard when the truth is deep down there pus*ys they wont hurt a fly, there act like it but they wont, and it works all the skinny little kids do what they say and that’s how some people get there power. Other people will be nice went to college and been working at this job for years and made a good friend and then when a jobs open like being president of the business they’ll back stab one of there good friends that they been working with for many years because they want more power. When you have power your on top of the food chain. Power will change a person faster then you can even say power. People that you think are good friends and have your back will change and start doing stupid things, getting there self in a whole bunch of trouble not like call home from school trouble getting arrested trouble or messing with the wrong person or group. If how to get power was a subject at school everyone would sign up to take that class. Power is bad for the economy because a bad person could lets say become mayor and they have hecca power, they will use all that power in a very bad way. They’ll boss people around be rude and cruel to people that works for a little amount of money an hour. Take superstars for instant sweat little stars that are adorable and just the nicest thing, will grow up and become a drug addict or alcoholic because they have the power and money for it or they’ll do something hecca bad and will go to court and not get as much days/years in jail as a regular person or might not get any jail time because they have the power to get out of almost anything they want, getting caught with a gun or drugs a lot of things. Like the rapper T.I. he got caught with a car load of illegal war guns and only got sentence to a year and one day in jail, but if it was a middle class person they would of gotten at least five years easily. Celebrity’s get away with almost anything, they live in a fantasy land and it’s not fair to everyone else. If power didn’t matter as much as it does the world would be even better.
Humans now days are greedy for money and power. Money and power is the most powerfulness drug there is. It’ll change a person and it’s the hardest drug to get off. Most people are addicted to money and power for there whole life and it ruins them and there relationship with the people surrounding them.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

(RP) Relationship With Andrew (Taylor)

Taylor wrote about are relationship, so I'll tell you about are relationship. We started dating February 10th 2011, it started when I walked Taylor to her soccer practice at the Football field. We were flirting the whole way there and then when we finally got the corner of the field Taylor turned to me and said," are you going to ask me". I said," It's your turn because I asked you the first time we went out". I was just kidding the Taylor asks me out and I couldn't believe it I was laughing so I said what. She asked me three times then i finally said, " yes". We kissed then she went to practice and I went to Nick's house, and that's how it started.

After that it was way different from the first time we dated we both agreed to forget about the first time we dated so I won't mention nothing about that, but let's just say it wasn't good. So after that day we started going to lunch a lot and I got my friends to finally like her. So once my friends started liking her things just went great she hung out with me and the group. She met my parents and I met hers. (I was kinda nervous when I had to meet her parents but there good people). So things were just going great then we started to get into arguments were I get hecca mad at her but we always forgive each other after a couple hours, I don't think we argued for more then a couple hours. But every couple gets into arguments. We're a great couple, everyone tells us that and the only reason why everyone says were a cute couple is because of me. yes I take full credit for that statement, I mean look at me Yoked and hansom. So are relationship can't be any better then it already is. We get along so much and we can be are selves in front of each other and we don't judge each other, and we don't lie to each other if we have something so say we confront each other and say what we have to say. Taylor likes to have monthly anniversary's which I like because she makes me cake ( she hecca good at baking stuff). I love her cakes there hecca good but one time on my birthday she gave me a cake with no frosting so I didn't count it as a cake because it had no frosting. She's the best girlfriend you can have she's perfect. Are relationship is doing great and it's going to stay that way. She told me I'm the love of her life and she wants to be with me forever, so I don't know if it stays the same I can see myself with her because I have a lot of feelings for her. That's how are relationship started and how are relationship is going.

Monday, September 19, 2011

(CE) The Marines


The Marines are a good hard corporation that are the baddest of the bad. I mean the go in first to the war and take care of busy, handled there duty I should say. They train like there's no tomorrow to protect this country and serve are states. To show they train hard they just take any one, you can't just sign up and your in nooo. You have to go threw a huge 12 week training and conditioning program. And it's very DIFFICULT you got to wake up early in the morning such as 5:30 and run anywhere from 1-2 miles everyday, and that's just to start the day off. You have to have major eligibility to do all the things they do in one day. There forced to drink liters of water just to stay hydrated for the day. Then they go threw a big obstacle course were they have to climb walls, crawl in the mud under barbwire, and a whole bunch of over outrageous things to do in a time limit also. Now that's hard stuff they probably don't give them that much time, and some people think the mile test at p.e. is hard. The Marines are not to joke around about there on the top of the Military. They train there butt's off to save us the people and protect the country from anyone.

The Marines are the first to fight because there the first ready to fight. There mobilize for any ship-to-shore operation within 6 hours. The faster then the army, navy. and air force. They go in and begin this war and while there battling the army comes then maybe the air force until finally bang we got the whole squad with us ready to fight anyone that gets into are ways. That's some hardcore stuff right there, can you imagine being the first person in the war against people who are shooting at you trying to blow your brains out. The Marines are no joke for anyone that's trying to join I would rethink that before you just sign up for it because you might regret what you signed yourself up for. My cousin who's a girl is signing up for the Marines and I have mixed emotions about it. That's why I wrote about the Marines I wanted to get more research about them to see how hardcore they are and to see what my cousin sees joining them and I still don't see why she wants to join them but I see how hardcore they are. I mean it's a hard stage to even get the opportunity to become a Marine and if you do become one it's even harder to be a Marine. It takes lots of dedication and lots and lots of sweat and tears to be called a U.S. Marine.

(FP) Being Sick

You know how everyone says being sick during the school year is great, but to be it's over rated. Being sick sucks so bad. I mean sure ya your home from school but your home bored laying in bed and to make matters worst you feel like shit. Your up all night coughing and tossing with a high temperature getting no sleep at all. When it comes to morning you finally get up then you have to scarf down the worst taste ever "medicine" which makes you wanna throw up to a pulp. Then it's right back to bed were your laying and laying just watching TV, and i always have bad luck, when I'm sick there's never anything good on TV. So all I do is watch rerun after rerun of sports center and I'll get lucky sometimes and get a good 30 minute show to help pass a half hour. The whole time I'm sick

I always wish could got to school, kik it with my friends hang out after, but no I'm stuck in this bed for 24 hours and the only time I get up is to use the restroom or to drink medicine. I have great parents that do everything for me when I'm sick so that helps a lot but the pain of the soar throat, stuffed up nose, earaches, and headaches doesn't make things better at all, with pain and me being bored mixed together it's the worst. Then the day were it's over but you still feel a little sick so you have to stay home for one more day to end the cold for good is the worst day of them all. So your basically fine and your stuck in your sick infested bed laying there hecca bored getting texts from your friends knowing there hanging out after school and you can't even though your cold is basically done is a bad feeling. Your just sitting there watching TV, while you know your friends are at the big football game with out you having fun and joking around. It hits you, it gets me mad because I get frustrated knowing I'm fine and what to go to the big game with my friends and my parents won't let me because I missed all week sucks. That's why I think staying home from school because your sick is overrated.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

(Column 500 words) Darkend Room

I'm in a dark room ( my bedroom). I'm sitting on my bed trying to get up and find my phone so i can call nick and tell him to come over, but the bed's so soft and is forcing me fall asleep. I finally defeated my bed and got the strenght to get up. As I'm walking it's dark, i can't see anything, and to makes things worst it's boiling hot, I'm sweating all over my face, so i take my shirt off. Aw, that helps to feel the air running threw my bare chest.

It's on I'm walking barefoot with my toes rubbing all on the room carpet while I'm struggling to even stand because there's weights and shoes all over the place. I'm tripping over cold hard steel weights jamming ever toe you can possibly jam. So I'm fighting possible broken toes but still falling and still walking. I feel like I keep going in circles because I'm tripping over the same weird angle cold hard steel weight that's dropping me harder then I drop it when I'm lifting it and get tired. I think i just found a lead to a new passage way, I feel something new on the the soft squishy carpet. I put my toes on it feeling around to figure out what it is. AH HAH I figured it out with the rectangular shape and sharp edge feeling I could tell that thing from a mile away it's my English notebook. That's a great lead because last time I had my phone I was texting while I was doing my homework earlier. So that has to mean my phone's around here somewhere. I get down on the carpet and start feeling around with my hand. Then I hit my hand on the end of the bed so I slide my hand down the bed and put my right hand under it. While I'm feeling around under the bed I feel nothing then " bam" I feel the most disgusting thing ever it's wet, warm, sticky. I take my hand from under them bed in 2.2 seconds and jump up off the carpet and fast I can and terrified what i just touched. So to figure out what I just touch I smell my right hand as I put my nose over my hand I get a strong smell of vanilla and I'm relieved that it's just my ice cream from the night before. I take my hand and wipe it off on my six pack. I get back to business trying to find my phone, so I've been walking around for like 20 minutes in this dark room which makes everything so difficult. For some reason I turn and take two steps and then ran into be closet door. The doors freezing and when I felt the door with my bare chest it sent a shock that traveled threw my whole body for a minute long. I move off the freezing door and rejoin my journey. As I'm walking forward I start to lose hope and feel like I should just give up, but while I'm walking with my head down pouting, out of no were my right foot kicks it " MY PHONE" and I hear sliding on top of the carpet and slam into the wall. So i walk towards were I heard the phone slam against the wall. I get down on the carpet and start feeling around, I rubbing my hand on the soft carpet in circles, side to side, and back and forth stressing to find my cell phone. Then I felt a piece of it, then "bang" I grabbed it and have it in the palms of my hands, but the back's missing damn it must of fell off when I kicked it against the wall. So I put my hand back on the soft carpet and start moving it in circles, side to side, and back and forth again trying to find the back. While I'm feeling around I touched the tip of it but can't grave it, it's to deep under the bed. So i get on my bare stomach and try to reach, but there's one problem,
I'm getting tickled every time I move the soft carpet is tickles my bare stomach. I just have to man it, I try my hardest and reach as far as I can then bang I got it yes. I put the back on the phone and nick and told him to come over and when he gets here I'm going to tell him the adventure I went on.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I'm a die-hard Raiders fan and Ill always support them. I became a Raider supporter because I grew up in Oakland and was brought up in a Raider-fan environment. My parents are huge Raider fans as well. I went to my first game when I was two weeks old and go to at least 1 or 2 games each year. I went to one a month ago. Going to a Raider game is the best thing. Everytime I go to a game I talk hella shit to the opposing fans, even when I went to a game in San Fransico. All Raider fans get along because when they get drunk they talk smack and start chucking it with the other teams. Watching the game live is better because you get to tailgate and watch thee hard impacts make the game so much fun. Tailgating is when you hang out in the parking lot, have a big BBQ, and just chill and throw the football. Its such a blast. The Raiders used to be real good but the last few years they have gone down and suck really bad. We looked good this season and were 1-0 and beat our rivals! The Broncos.

The Raiders have been around since 1963, so 58 years. And they have made the Superbowl 5 times and won 3. That's the story of the best teams yet and thats why I am a Raiders fan.

(RP) love of football (Biruk)

love of football
People love the game of football because its the greatest game ever. Its the most fun game to watch and play. If you have a favorite team or not Its still the best game to watch. Every Sunday and Monday night, close to a million people tune into to watch the greatest sport ever. It is a great sport to watch because you see people going against each other that want to take each others heads off. Every game theres always big hits and even super tackles ( As Mr.Sutherland calls them.) Its also the best game because when you see people do outstanding runs to score, you can see them celebrate. Most Sundays I just stay and watch football all day and I know I'm not the only one. Plus most people that watch football have a favorite team which makes it much more exciting. That's why people love the game of football. If you have never seen football, watch a game and I bet you'll become a fan of a team and a fan of the NFL as well. The NFL season is only 16 games not including playoffs.There are 32 total teams, 16 NFC and 16 AFC. The NFL season just started so watch some games and you will understand why- The best sport on earth is football.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(free post) football game

Friday was the first football home game. we played Northgate at 4:30pm. On game days I prepare my head to play and get mad during school by listening to music and think about things that get me angry.

When it comes game time,its on boy!!! Our team gets hyped up in the lockerroom, then we walk, looking at thr oppoinents and get focused. Then when I walk on the field for the first play I look at my opponent in the eyes and think he is the person i hate the most. I make a big hit, talk shit to the player and his team then i get hyped up with my brothers. I have the worst sportsmenship ever.I get so pissed if we are loosing or lost. Thats why we all play our ass off so we can win. Were good beacuse were hard hittings, hard workers and have heca chemistry playing together. We all have each others back no matter what the situation is beacause we are not just a team we are family. I hope u came to the came and were inpressed by our hard work even if we lost.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Introduction Essay

Wassup, my name is Andrew Rusca and i attend Alameda High School.In this essay im gonna tell you all about me. Family is the most important thing to me. I have a loving, supporting father, Victor and the best mother ever, Lynda. I love my two amazing sisters, Jamie(22) and Stephanie(27). Im an uncle beacuse Jamie has a daughter, Gisella whos two and half adn Stephanie has two kids, Louie whos five and Christina whos ten.I love them all and would do anything for them. I protect them like they are my own kids. My mom and dad are separated so i go to my moms every other week. At my moms theres her boyfriend, Adam, my mom and I. They have been dating for eight years. Jamie lives in the same appartment building so she comes over basically everyday with Gisella and her husband, Hector. At my dads its just him and I "the men house" and Stephanie vistits alot with Louie. I have a perfect family and the way its going im gonna have a new member my girlfriend,Taylor Clark.we have been dating seven months and are always together.She plays soccer and trys to go to all my games. I love her.So ya thats my family.

Now my favorite thing to talk about is football. Football, wow ok so its my life . I love ad respect the game of football. Everything I do basically involves it. I always watch fooball on T.V. and on Sundays I watch it all day. Im a die hard RAIDER fan, so f*** the CHARGERS, CHIEFS, BRONCOS, PATROITS, and 49ERS. I go to at least one to two Raider games a season. When I go I talk hecca smack to opposing teams beacuse they suck straight up. I also play football, I have been playing football since I was four but this is only my second year on a team. I play Quarterback and Defensive End for Alameda High JV team. Im number 17 and you already know. I love football because its hecca fun, you get to hit the shit out of someone every play. i like adrenaline when your running with the ball and the opossing people are trying to kill the shit out of you, and scoring a touchdown is the best feeling. Its the greatest feeling ever when your on that field with your brothers. I say brothers because we are not a team we're family. We go to war together, we have each others back doesnt matter who it is on the team if one gets into a fight we all get into the fight.

In English this year in Sutherlands class I want to become a better writter. The use of a wide range of vovabulary helps help my paper but I would want to know more. The hardest thing about papers are organization. Its hard to not go from one topic to the other then back to first. I aslo need help on spelling better. Thats what I want to learn in English.
So ya thats all you really need to know about.Family, Football and my girlfriend, Taylor Clark best describes me, Andrew Rusca. My life cant get much better the this. My football games are every Friday at 4:30pm check me out #17.